Staffing Complete has an accrual system that allows you to create accrual plans that control both the accrual and use of vacation, sick, and PTO time. Each plan can be customized with eligibility delays, usage max, and an automatic tier system based on hire date. These plans are created in the setup module with their various customization and . Accrual plans can be selected at both the office and personnel level , with the office level having staff and temp selections.
To set up the Office level vacation/sick accrual start by going to the Setup moduleModule
Go to the “Accrual Plans” Accrual Plans tab
Setting Up Accrual Plans and Tiers:
Start by right clicking in the accrual plan area, selecting add accrual plan and clicking yes on the confirmation pop up.
Once done, you’re free to detail the main plan details to the right, the .
The details of each options are below:
Active: Determines if the plan can be selected for use
Eligibility Delay: Employees Employee starts accruing immediately, but accrued balance is not “Available” until after X days
Plan Type: Selects if the plan is setting rules to accrue vacation, sick, or pto
Plan Name: The name of the plan referenced in plan selection
Description: An area where you can add details regarding the plan for your reference
Rollover: Selects if the accrual and usage cycles reference the calendar or anniversary year (hire date)
Setting Up Accrual Plans and Tiers:
Each plan has at least one tier which is auto inserted upon the plan being created and . Each accrual plan can have as many tiers added as needed by right clicking and selecting add accrual tier.
The details of the tier options are below:
Year Start: The minimum amount of years for the tier
Year End: The maximum amount of years for the tier
Accrual Rate: How many hours is are accrued per hour worked (a 0.01 rate and 10 hours worked would equal 0.1 time accrued)
Max Accrue (Per): How many hours can be accrued within the selected time frame
Stop Amt: The maximum number of hours that a person personnel can have at one time
Usage Max (Per): How many hours can be used within the selected timeframe
In the above example, we have one vacation plan with 3 available tiers that cover years 0-9. Each plan has (1) different rates at which hours are accrued, (2) the max they can accrue per year, (3) overall stop amounts and (4) how many hours can be used per week. Keep in mind that the software
Software won’t allow tier years to overlap and will automatically change the range of an existing tier to not overlap.
Selecting Active Accrual Plans:
Viewing and Adjusting Personnel’s Vacation/Sick Hours:
Start by going to the Personnel module Module and search for the personnel you want to see the vacation/sick hours for. High-light the personnel and go to the Accruals tab
First select Select the tab you’re wanting to see accrual details for, enter the Start and End date you’d like to see the accrued hours for and click Search
3. Your search results will be displayed in the white field and show you a list of every payroll order that the personnel have has accrued vacation/sick hours on in the date range specified. These This will show all used, earned, and manually adjusted times. Manual adjustments are made by clicking Insert, typing in the adjusted value in the “Accrual Hours” Accrual Hours box (positive or negative), and clicking Save.
Viewing and Adjusting Personnel’s Vacation/Sick Hours:
The top area displays information regarding the personnel accrued and used hours. You can also hover Hover your mouse over any of the items to see the tool tip displaying more information. You can also run the Personnel Vacation report.
Part of the accrual system is determining what pay types earn and deduct time. This is done within the setup module and is specific for each pay type, and . It only controls if the pay types earn or deducts accruals and carries no additional logic with it. This is in the Setup module>Types>Payroll tab.
Accrual Rules by Locality:
Apart from the office and personnel settings, there are places within the software that allow you to set additional restrictions and customizations for accruals. The Customer>Jobsite>Misc tab allows you to check the “Disable Accruals” Disable Accruals, which will override any set logic and by not allow allowing any accruing accrual of hours for personnel working that Jobsite. You can also make the same restriction at the State level, which looks at the state set at the personnel level and is changed at Setup “Locality” tab State sub-tab.
You can also toggle the ability for personnel to go into “Negative Accruals” Negative Accruals, which allows personnel to use time they haven’t earned. The check for negative accruals occurs upon processing payroll and is displayed as a pop-up message letting you know of the error. To allow negative accruals:
Go to the Setup module
High-light the office you want to allow negative vacation/sick accrual for
Go to the General tab
Check the ‘Negative Accruals’ Negative Accruals check box to allow personnel to go into negative vacation hours for the specified office
Accrual Permissions:
Go to the Setup module then the Users tab
High-light the username you want to add the permission for and switch to the Permissions🡪 Personnel sub tab. The permission you need is: