To manually enable FICA deferral, you'd navigate to the Personnel module, pull up the profile for the person, click the Other Payroll tab and check the "Enable FICA Deferral" box as shown below.
Software Accommodations
FICA Deferrals can be enabled on the personnel level.
This will not be enabled by default. Please contact support if you wish to have this enabled for all personnel.
If Enabled, the software will compute the FICA Deferral on personnel who meet eligibility requirements. Eligibility Requirements for FICA Deferral are as follows:
Check Date between 9/1/2020 and 12/31/2020
Earned less than $104,000 for the year
Current Check Wages are less than the following:
The FICA Deferral will not show on any existing tax reports. It is not a realized tax, it is a deferred tax. Until the government makes it clear what employers are supposed to do with the deferred tax, the best we can do is track it.
You can view FICA Deferrals from the Personnel Module -> History Tab -> Payroll Tab
As the government provides more information, we will be working hard to make sure you have all the software tools you need to stay compliant.