Internal Batch


The Internal Batch tab is where you will create a batch to process payroll for internal personnel who need to be paid.


To start:

-Click Insert

-Confirm the creation of an internal batch

-Right click and select the method to add personnel

There are 3 ways to add personnel to a batch.

(1) Add internal personnel gives you the option of adding personnel one at a time or all internal personnel at once.

(2) Add All Internal Personnel has two versions, the from all offices will add all internals from all offices automatically, the from single office will then prompt you to select which office you want all internals added from, then will do so.

(3) Import Time Clock Records will show you approved entries from the time entries tab that you can then bring into the internal batch tab. After the filters are set, clicking import time adds the displayed entries below to the batch with the dates, hours, and pay type already configured.

Once the entries have been added to the batch, you’re free to make bulk changes by right clicking and selecting options such as Bulk Set Value or Bulk Add, as well as the highlighted record specific options that can be made below, such as manually updating the pay hours or setting the work date.

-Right Click and add or remove deductions

-Verify the records to make then eligible for processing on Step 2

-Process as usual


Carvin Software LLC