Step 2 – Print Invoices
The “Step 2 – Print Invoices” tab displays all items that were verified from Step 1. The system has now grouped and given invoice numbers to these transactions. From here you can review all the billing for that office, as well as preview each invoice before sending it out.
-Choose the office
-Choose invoice printer you want the invoices to print to
-Choose the desired output to (I.E. PDF, Excel, Print) from the drop down box
-Check the statement and/or documents check box if you want the statement for the customer to print out along with the invoice, as well as the Documents uploaded to the Orders>Documents Tab
-Click the print invoices button
To preview the invoice , right click on the item and select view invoice. You now have the option to (1) print all invoices or (2) print single invoice.
If Invoices were created in error and the week hasn’t been closed (if they are still listed on step two, the week hasn’t been closed) then you have the option to void the invoice. Once voided you can make any changes to the billing items on the order and re-create the invoice. Re-creating the invoice will assign it a new number.Keep in mind that voiding the invoice doesn’t remove hours on the order, but it does void the invoice number.
-Click on the Step 2 – Print Invoices tab
-Right Click the invoice you want to void
-Click the void option that suits your needs
When you void an invoice, it will reappear on the “Step One – Create Invoices tab” after you click the Search button again. Remember that you cannot void invoices after you have closed the week.
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Carvin Software LLC