Invoice Attachment Consolidation
The existing functionality within Staffing Complete has the ability to allow documents that have beed uploaded to orders be attached to invoices. This would have the page(s) of the invoice first, then 1 page per attachment for all orders related to the invoice. The new consolidation functionality can automatically resize and combine 2 or more attachments onto a single page, with various layout options available, allowing up to 6 attachments on one page. This documentation shows you where to make office and profile level selections, displays examples, and will assume you’re familiar with the process to add documents to an order which is covered by our YouTube resources.
Viewing Invoices with Documents
The process to right click>view invoices from the Invoice and Customer modules is the same, and still requires you to check the “Documents” box in order for the software to include order level documents to display or be emailed out with the invoice. We also show the number of documents associated with each invoice, which can be easily referenced by selecting the invoice, then clicking the “Documents” tab below.
The new functionality and layout selection applies when viewing, printing, and emailing invoices, and has the added bonus of reducing the file size of the image to make them more email ready.
Consolidation Defaults and Selection
The office level default for the attachment format selection is located in the Setup module>Office>Default>Attachment Format, which will have any newly created customer under that office default to this office level setting. You also can set this on each customer profile under the “Attachment Format” option as shown below. Different options can be chosen at any point of the invoice lifecycle, which allows you to change the attachment format as many times as you like for a customer, then view the invoice to determine which settings work best.
Consolidation Layouts
The “Attachment Format” dropdown displays a portrait and landscape option for each document per page. Without any selection or defaults set the standard attachment format would be 1 document per page portrait, which would simply attach the order level documents to the invoice as usual. Selecting 2 or more documents will start auto combining images onto one page with the logic selected, no matter how many documents you have attached. This means that if you have three documents and have the 6 document per page option selected, you’ll have 3 empty spaces where the other documents would have been loaded onto the page.
Below are two examples of the same invoice, one a four document selection in landscape and the other in six document portrait. Every format selected will auto display the invoice number at the top left of the page, and each document will have the order number displayed at the top of each attachment area.
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Carvin Software LLC