Timerack - Capturing Time Clock Entries
Staffing Complete can now connect with Timerack, which allows your workers to clock in and out using their website and lets you easily import the time clock information into Staffing Complete, avoiding the need for manual time entry, paper work tickets, and saving time. This functionality is like other 3rd party integrations where you’ll first need to reach out to the provider directly and sign up before trying to use this functionality.
Once you’ve signed up with Timerack and our support team has received the needed information to link your database to Timerack, the customer and personnel information can automatically be sent to Timerack on the back end so they have the needed information without you having to send it. After your workers have punched their time you can then export the file from timerack, and import it into Staffing Complete.
Below details the process of how to set up the customer and personnel within Staffing Complete for them to sync, importing the time-sheets from Timerack, as well as how to modify existing placements so that they properly update within the Timerack system.
Customers sent to Timerack
Once every few minutes, Staffing Complete will automatically send your customer information to Timerack if it has the timerack ID entered in the correct field as shown below. You’ll need to enter the ID for any client that your workers will be punching in and out for, this ID will be provided to you from timerack.
Adding a Timerack ID
Navigate to the Customer Module
Search and double click the relevant customer
Navigate to the lower Misc tab
Type the Timerack ID
Personnel sent to Timerack
The same time Staffing Complete checks for eligible customers to send to timerack, it will also review and send the information for eligible personnel. For this information to be sent, personnel need to exist as a placement, have the “Active Placement” box checked, and have the “Time Clock” box checked.
Adding a Placement for Timerack
Navigate to the Customer Module
Click the Placements tab
Right Click and select Add Placement (or press F6 on your keyboard)
Select the position the person is working
Search and double click the person
Verify the Active Placement and Time Clock boxes are checked
Click Save
Importing Time
Once Timerack has the customer and personnel information, your workers are free to use the Timerack system for punching in and out. When the time comes to collect the time punches, you can export the information from Timerack and import it directly into Staffing Complete. From this point on the process to import time is standard across all vendors and the basic steps are below, you can also view the remaining steps in greater detail by reviewing the Importing Time sheets documentation.
Importing Time Sheets
Navigate to the Payroll Module
Click the Import Time tab
Right Click and select Create Batch
Right Click on the newly created batch and select Import Time
Search and Upload the Timerack file
Right Click on the batch again and select Validate Batch
Review the entries and any potential errors
Right Click and select Process File when ready to create the time entries as orders
Changing Information of Existing Placements
Depending on how you use Staffing Complete and Timerack, there may be situations where changes need to be made to the placements. Below are three of the most common reasons to make the changes, and details on how to do so.
Situation 1: The temp is done working on a Job Site or Position
While it’s not required to specify an end date on the Placements tab, this may be something you wish to do when a person is done working a position and you no longer want them displayed on this tab. By default, the placements tab will only display active placements, as well as placements that have an End Date greater than the current date. In the below example, the entry for Harry will disappear from this tab when viewed on 01/31/2023 or later. The active box can remain checked as it’s only used to initiate the transfer of the personnel to Timerack.
You can always right click> Show> All/Active/Ended placements should you want to see hidden placements.
Situation 2: The temp finished at Job Site or Position A, and is going to start at Job Site or Position B
If a worker has been sent to timerack working at a specific job site or position and is going to be changing either of those under the same customer, you’ll need to end the previous placement and create a new placement entry. To end a placement, you’ll use the steps detailed in the “situation 1” and specify an end date for the placement they’re no longer working. Next, you’ll add a new placement with the new job site/position they’re working, and mark the “Active Placement” and “Time Clock” boxes as usual to ensure the new placement is sent to Timerack.
The End Date of the previous placement should be older the new Start Date of the next placement
Situation 3: Changing the pay rate, but keeping the same job site & position
Should the pay rate change for a temp worker but both the job site and position are remaining the same, you can simply change the pay rate for the existing placement and click Save. Making this change within Staffing Complete will update the rate within the Timerack system within 15-30 minutes.
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