Management Codes Tab

The “Codes” tab is where you can create and edit service code information.  Each code is then configured with the various field customization listed, such as the code name and description, as well as optional fields such as max pay rate or listing it as a Sandata code. 


To add a Code:

  1. Navigate to the Codes tab

  2. Click Insert

  3. Type in the Code, Import Code, and Description

  4. Type in any other optional fields

  5. Click Save


The “Billing” tab is where you can specify a payer, start date, end date, and bill rate. To specify a payer, right click and select “Add”, select the payer from the drop down, and enter any additional details. Remember that if a bill rate is entered here, it will force this bill rate to be used in the payroll module.


To add a Payer:

  1. Navigate to the Billing tab

  2. Right Click and select Add

  3. Type in the Payer, Start Date, and Bill Rate

  4. Type in any other optional fields

  5. Click Save


The “Waiver” tab allows you to enter in waivers in relation to the selected code above for record keeping purposes.


To add a Waiver:

  1. Navigate to the Waiver tab

  2. Right Click and select Add

  3. Type in the Waiver from the drop down

  4. Click Save

Remember the waiver must be created on the Lookup>Waiver tab before it can be referenced here.