


The “Office” tab is where you can create offices and control various settings in relation to that office. Each office typically has its own location, as throughout the software all payroll, personnel, customers, invoices etc. are tied to a specific office. Settings made at this level (such as accrual plans, collection letters, ACA surcharges) apply to all relevant entries within the office. If the same field exists on the profile level, will take precedence over what’s set at the office level.


The office list tab lists all offices. At a glance you can see various pieces of information entered on the general tab, as well as the text phone number should you have texting enabled.

To add a new office:

-Click insert

-Complete the General Tab fields

-Click Save

To copy an office set up:

-Select the existing office you want to copy

-Click copy

-Update the General Tab fields

-Click Save

If you’re wanting to view/update any settings related to a specific office

-Select the existing office you want to update

elected office will be displayed in the grey bar above the tabs.

-Navigate to the tab with the information you want to update

-Update the information

-Click Save

The “General” tab is where certain fields are filled out that auto load onto portions of the software. Text fields such as check name load on checks, billing name loads on invoices, display name is for the name of the office etc. Each office also has additional settings that come pre-configured based on how they’re commonly checked but can be freely toggled.

These items also have hints that will load when you hover your mouse over the item to get a brief description of its functionality. Many of these settings being changed won’t apply until you log out of Staffing Complete and log back in.

The “Settings” tab allows you to set what formats and plans the office will use. The first column allows you to set the week start and end days for the office, the formats to be used on the various payroll processing formats, (referencing the available entries on formats tab),the banks used for internal and temp payment methods, how long a person remains checked in within the personnel module, and how often a text survey can be sent.

The middle column is where you can select the accrual plans that the office will apply to personnel (referencing the available entries on the accrual plans tab), the ACA plan rates and type, an early pay discount rate that would display on invoices as an incentive, misc. ids, an AR manager which will reference linked users, and how many texts the office can send.

The third column is where you can limit how many DNRs can exist for a person before they’re unable to work for a Customer, how long a password is good for within Staffing Complete, the finance days and rates for Customer, the net days that the Customer has to pay off an invoice, how old invoices can be before they’re highlighted on customer statements, how old an invoice is before it triggers an automated collections letter, and how early a user can clock in ahead of schedule should a schedule be set. You can also have the software auto change the status of personnel should they not get a paycheck after however many days specified.

The “Defaults” tab controls what default settings throughout the software. The first column lets you set the pay period you’ll most often use, credit limits and aging max, various formats, statuses, and types.


The second column allows you to set which printer is defaulted to when printing items (which must exist on the computer with the exact name as entered here), dates set for checks and invoices, the weeks and days set when creating and repeating orders, and default AR types and dates when searching and inserting payments.


The third column is where you set most debits and credits (which pulls from the types>chart tab) will be referenced automatically when performing various refunds, finance fee, and ACA entries, enter in QuickBooks information for QuickBooks integration, and the default search type batch payroll will default to.

The “Notifications” tab is where email addresses are entered that are to receive notifications of specific events, such as a new customer being created, or a historical check being voided. The DNR Lockout and credit/aging authorization email have additional functionality that allows a user to request 1-time exemptions from the payroll module to override a DNR, Credit, or aging rule being triggered. In that situation, the email entered here will receive the request, contacts the requester with the relevant code, and the CSR then uses the code to bypass the rule.

The “Email Templates” tab is where you can set the template for various emails sent from the software and must be filled out for certain processes to be completed, such as processing payroll when personnel are set to receive an emailed stub. Though only the from and reply to addresses are required, we typically suggest people set certain emails such as invoice and payroll to receive a BCC of their own address so they can have a record of those emails sent, and to enter in a subject. Multiple addresses can be used separated by a comma and space i.e. “Support@CarvinSoftware.com, From@CarvinSoftware.com”. If you would like to save a copy of the email as PDF on the server, click the three dots, navigate to where you would like to save it, and click save.

Each template has its own set of variables, as seen in the variables box at the bottom of the screen, that can be used which will auto fill in relevant data. This is an easy way for the email to reference specific information while still being a template-based email and can be referenced by typing in exactly how the variable exists as shown above. The variables can be used both in the subject and body of the email.


The “Logo/Text Settings” tab is where items can be entered that are referenced elsewhere in the software. The left column is where the logos are pulled in any invoice/payroll formats that have a pre-loaded spot, and various phrasing for specific texts sent out can be specified. The right column is where phrasing is entered that’s referenced in orders, checks, and invoices.

The default logo picture size is 160 X 120.

The “Announcement” tab is where you can enter text that displays when a user first logs into Staffing Complete. This can be used as an easy way to show reminders and policies. As this tab is office specific, the user’s home office will be referenced when displaying that specific offices announcement.

The “Documents” tab allows you to store documents at the office level. As this is only in the setup module, these items would typically be specific to that office on the admin level.

To add a document:

-Right Click in the grid

-Select add document

-Navigate to where the document is

-Select the document

-Type any relevant notes at the bottom specific to that document

-Select the document type

-Click Save

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Carvin Software LLC