Payroll Vendor Entry Tab

Vendor Entry

The “Vendor Entry” sub-tab functions like the payroll entry tab, but with a focus on vendor functionality allowing you to cut a check for a vendor. To start the process, first add a consumer by right clicking and select add consumer or press F2. This will give you the consumer search pop up window where you can search for who you wish to add to the batch. If you have multiple consumers to add at once that have multiple vendors, you can search by the consumer’s name, hold ctrl, select the entries you wish to add and click add selected. To add a single entry at a time, double click each entry you wish to add.


To Add a Vendor:

  1. Right Click and select Add Consumer

  2. Search for the Consumer and double click to Add them

  3. Click OK

To add multiple entries, search by the consumer name, hold ctrl, select the entries and click Add Selected